July 11, 2014



First, This job wasn't pass, as they criticized that the logo didn't meet on what they required it to be, and their website even wasn't made too. 

Pradub is a big garage, which they sell products in car care and car washing services. They would like to rebrand the logo, and the website for selling the products online. The old logo they had was just the text "Pradub.com" with a sport classic car. So I suggested the new one shouldn't put a car in the logo as it shouldn't be looked outdated anytime. So I came up with the idea of using something blink! glistening metallic! maybe like diamond, which it can make people feel valuable, their product can turn your car looks magnificent!

I also designed the logo looks like something is blink metallic like these below, it shouldn't definitely put any car shape or type into it, because if they still use the logo that has a car, it may looks outdated and they perhaps must change their logo again later 

Finally, they didn't like them all, and decided to use the design that came out from another designer that he put a sport car into the logo.

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